Quality Assurance

Consistent quality you can count on

One of our main mission statements, in fact it's even listed first, is providing consistent quality. The problems that many applicators and end users often encounter is a lack of quality or variance in coatings performance because of a lack of quality control standards.

We implement various quality checks during product development, production, and even storage. During development analytical checks ensure that all of our processes are accurate and precise. During production we implement temperature, humidity, viscosity, and various other tests to ensure proper production guidelines are met. And during storage, some products have to be stored under certain conditions in order to prevent formation of various unwanted chemical reactions. Many of our QA checks have been developed over the course of years of coatings development and manufacturing.

As we continue to develop new products we also create better QA guidelines as we continue to strive to meet and exceed a consistent quality of products. We strive to meet such strict quality checks so that all of our products are consistent from batch to batch. Something that we know our customers appreciate and can rely on.

Quality Assurance Questions

Have a specific question? Need a specific standard to be checked for your custom coatings? Contact us and we will do our best to answer your QA questions or develop a new QA check for your custom coating.
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